Gorran Haven to Portmellon

Gorran Haven to Portmellon (6 miles)

Portmellon. Some dogs may need a little help over a couple of the slate stiles leading up to Gorran Church and down to Gorran Haven. For the stone stile leading out of Sanctuary Wood, all but the most athletic dogs will need some help to get over.

This walk has everything. Coast and woodlands, gorgeous views and of course the great app with directions which mean you never get lost!

  • Turn left up the hill and follow the lane to the top of the hill until you reach Cliff Road on the right.
  • Turn right onto Cliff Road and follow it until you reach a footpath sign.

  • Turn right at the sign in the direction indicated for Portmellon and follow the track until you reach the blue gates of Penhaver House with a waymarked stile on the left.

  • Cross the stile on the left and follow the path over a stile into a field. Follow all the way along the fence on the right of the field to reach a kissing gate in the hedge at the corner of the field.

  • Go through the kissing gate, down some steps and through another kissing gate into a field. Follow the path along the coast to reach a fence on the far side of the field. As you reach the fence, the gate is a short distance to the left of the recess in the fence.

  • Go through the gate and a second gate into the field and follow the path along the right hedge to reach a kissing gate leading onto a footbridge.

  • ​Go through the gate and follow the path over the bridge and a stile. Follow the path all the way around the headland until you eventually pass a couple of benches and reach a kissing gate.

  • The steep cliffs near the point are known as Bodrugan's Leap.

    Go through the gate and follow the path ahead to the gate at the bottom of the valley.

  • Go through the gate and cross the stile next to the gate by the building. Then follow the track along the coast until you reach a waymark.

  • Follow the path past the waymark and over the driveway. Follow the path in a gentle arc to the left around the bottom of the hill and continue on the most well-worn path through the more overgrown area to reach a gate.

  • Go through the gate and follow the path uphill until it ends on a surfaced track.

  • Turn right onto the track and follow this downhill. Continue as it opens out into a lane until it eventually ends in a T-junction with the road.

  • Turn right onto the road and carefully follow it downhill to the sea wall. Follow along the sea wall until you reach an opening containing a set of tracks leading into the sea and a junction opposite.

  • Turn left at the junction and almost immediately bear right onto the track through the boat yard. Follow this to reach a lane and continue on the lane until you reach a waymarked track on the right leading to a gate.

  • Bear right to the gate and go through this. Follow the right hedge of two fields to eventually reach a stile in the corner of the far hedge.

  • Climb the stile and follow the winding path to reach a stile.

  • When you reach the stile, cross it and follow the path through the woods until it ends at a gate.

  • Go through the gate and cross the lane to the gate opposite. Go through the gate and follow the path signposted to St Gorran's Church to reach a stile.

  • Cross (or bypass) the stile and follow the path through the meadow to reach a gateway on the far side.

  • Go through the gateway and follow the path up the slope to reach a pedestrian gate.

  • Go through the gate and bear left uphill to where two paths lead upwards. Take the uphill path on the right which is slightly less steep. Follow this until it ends in a clearing near the top of the hill.

  • In the clearing, bear left and follow the path alongside the wall to reach a stile.

  • Cross the stile and bear right slightly to cross the field diagonally to a stile in line with the church tower.

  • Cross the stile and bear right slightly to reach a stile, also in line with the church tower.

  • Cross the stile and cross the meadow to a waymark opposite, beside a track.

  • At the waymark, bear right onto the track and follow a short distance to a junction. Turn left at the junction and follow the track to the churchyard.

  • Stay on the track to follow it along one side of the churchyard and then around a bend to the right and along another side of the churchyard, passing a white cottage until you reach a junction on the left opposite an SV marker (before you reach the main road).

  • Turn left at the junction and follow the narrow lane until it ends in a junction with the main road.

  • Cross the road to the pavement opposite and turn left. Follow the pavement, which departs from the road to become a path. Continue until this ends at a junction.

  • Cross the lane to the driveway opposite, marked with a public footpath sign. Go through the gate and walk along the driveway towards the house then cross the garden to a stile.

  • Pass the stile and follow the path across the small field to reach another stile.

  • Cross the stile and cross the small field to another stile opposite.

  • Cross the stile to emerge onto a surfaced path. Turn left in the direction of Gorran Haven and follow the path until it ends on a road.

  • Turn right onto the road and follow the tarmac path. Cross over the roads to Wansford Meadows and continue until the path ends at Parc Vean.

  • Cross the road to the pavement opposite and follow the pavement until it runs out. Then carefully follow along Cooks Level and continue onto Chute Lane and pass alongside the pub. Continue along Chute Lane and down Church Street to the beach and bear right to return to the car park.