Gorran Haven to Dodman Point

Gorran Haven to Dodman Point (5 miles)

A circular walk on the Roseland from the fishing village of Gorran Haven to the remote, sandy Hemmick Beach via The Deadman's Point of old nautical maps, still marked with a huge cross to warn sailors of the perilous lee shores, and Vault Beach where the wreckage washed ashore.

  • Turn left out of the car park and follow the road towards the beach until you reach Foxhole Lane.
  • Turn right onto Foxhole Lane and go up the steps. Follow the waymarked path until you reach a kissing gate into a field.
  • When you reach the kissing gate, go through it and continue along the path, passing through another kissing gate. Carry on until you enter the next bay then reach a fork in the path.
  • Keep right at the fork and follow the path to a kissing gate. Alternatively, if you want to visit the beach, bear left to reach the beach and then from the beach, go up the steps and follow the path to rejoin the coast path, bearing left to the kissing gate.
  • Keep left at the fork and follow the path to a sequence of two gates.
  • Go through the gates and follow the path until you reach a gate by a wooden signpost.
  • Go through the gate and follow the path (signposted towards Dodman Point) along the field to reach a kissing gate.
  • Go through the gate and follow the path a short distance until you reach a signpost at a junction of paths.
  • Bear left, signposted to Dodman Point, and follow the path to a kissing gate into a field.
  • Go through the gate and follow the path along the left edge of the field to another kissing gate.
  • Go through the gate and follow the path to the gap in the hedge leading to the large granite cross.
  • The walk continues to the right (you may want to have a look at the cross first). Follow the coast path to reach a signpost for Penare in a dip.
  • Continue ahead on the coast path from the signpost, passing through a pedestrian gate, to reach a V-shaped stile overlooking the beach.
  • Cross the stile and follow the path downhill to where the bank on the right ends. Then turn right to keep the bank on your right. Follow along the bottom of the bank until a gate comes into view, then head for this.
  • Go through the wooden pedestrian gate on the right of the metal gate and stile, and follow the path between the fences for about a quarter of a mile until you reach a signpost beside a wooden gate.
  • Continue ahead, signposted Dodman Point, to emerge on the lane then turn right onto the lane. Follow this to a corner outside Lower Penare Farmhouse where various tracks meet the lane at another signpost.
  • Keep left to stay on the lane (signposted to Gorran Haven) and follow it uphill past the cottages to a kissing gate on the right just after the last (Bodrugan) cottage.
  • Go through the gate and cross the field directly ahead (not to the right as signposted) to a gap in the hedge.
  • Go through the gap and cross the lane to the gate opposite. Go through the gate and follow the path between the fences to the campsite. Continue between the hedges at the campsite to where the path emerges on a gravel track.
  • Follow the track ahead through the campsite to reach a gateway onto a tarmacked track.
  • Go through the gate and turn right, signposted to Gorran Haven, and follow the track to another signpost by the last cottage on the right.
  • Turn left at this and follow the path alongside a house then alongside the wall on the left to reach a gate. Go through the gate and follow the path into the valley until it eventually ends at a kissing gate.
  • Go through the gate and bear left onto the path. Follow the path to reach another gate.
  • Go through the gate and follow the path to merge onto a track and continue a few paces to reach a junction. Turn left here and follow the track to reach a road.
  • Turn right onto the road and follow it carefully downhill to reach the car park and complete the circular route.